Try Swimming FREE for 1 Month

Swimming is one of Australia's most popular sports. Our country is surrounded by water and swimming is one of our nation's great passions.

As well as being awesome fun, swimming is a great way to make new friends, keep fit and learn exciting new skills - one day you might swim for Australia!

Currently there are over 75,000 registered swimmers in Australia - so be a part of Australia's premier olympic sport and get involved today!

Joining a swimming club can teach young people important life skills like water safety, commitment, time management, leading a healthy lifestyle, social skills and plenty more. A swimming club provides a fun and safe social environment for swimmers and their parents.

Swimming helps you live a healthy lifestyle - dive in today!


Swimming Tasmania has recently setup a Come & Try Club, which will allow One Month Trial Memberships (previously Come & Try Membership option) to become available. 

The option is only valid for those who have never held a Swimming Tasmania Membership and are potential members.

The Product will set to last the month the participant signs up for.

For example, A participant signing up in August would expire on the 1st Day of September, but a participant signing up on 1st September would expire on 1st Day of the following month.


Please take note of this.

1. Register for Swimcentral following the guides shown by clicking here.

To find the membership please tell potential members they will need to create a SwimCentral account.

- Go to Shopping and search for 4 Week Trial.
-The option for a 4 Week Trial for Come & Try Club(TAS) membership will become available.
-The membership will only show availability for the current month.
-Once signed up they will be able to attend training with their preferred club as well as entering swim meets etc. This is not available for any championship event. 
- One Month Trial members will need to enter via the entry portal, and will still need to pay for race entry fees.

If you have any further questions, please contact STAS.

Click here to be redirected to SwimCentral!

Please follow the steps above to register.


Please contact to start your free trial!

Your nearest club will contact you very shortly after to set up the trial period and answer any questions you might have.
Once you've registered your details with us, you'll receive an email from us with details of your nearest swimming club.

During the trial you will be able to experience all facets of club swimming from squad training, club meets, social events and even competition!

You'll see just how great it is to be involved in swimming!

At the end of the trial period you will be contacted by Swimming TAS or your local swimming club to check in with you and see how it went, and if you want to continue, your full membership can commence straight away!

If you have any questions, please contact the Swimming TAS Office -

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