
Club committees are a crucial component of sports clubs and swimming is no exception. Being on your Club’s Committee doesn’t have to mean lots of work! As Sports Community (a great online resource) wisely says “It is not the role of the committee to run the club … it is the role of the committee to ensure the club is run.”

Accordingly, the best committees have cultivated a culture of volunteering, which allows them to effectively and efficiently spread the workload across all the volunteers at their Club.

SPORTAUS suggests that the planning of your Club’s workforce i.e. your committee, volunteers, coaches, officials etc. is all “about ensuring you have the right people, in the right roles, for the right time, with the right skills.”

Our aim at Swimming Tasmania (STAS) is to ensure that as a committee you are supported in creating the best club possible for your members and your time as a committee member is rewarding.

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