Technical Official Roles

In order for swim meets to run effectively, we rely on people volunteering their time and skills. In swimming, all the amazing volunteers out on pool deck and in the control room are called Technical Officials or TO’s for short. These TO’s, along with other volunteers, are the backbone of swimming competitions everywhere!

New Technical Officials are always welcome and there are a variety of different roles that Technical Officials play at swim meets such as Timekeeper, Judge of Stroke, Referee or Starter. We’ve outlined what each of these roles involves below.

When you're ready, head to our Becoming a Technical Official page to begin your journey in officiating.

Overview of the duties of TO's

Technical Official Roles

  • Timekeeper & Chief Timekeeper
  • A Timekeeper takes the time of swimmers in their assigned lane out on pool deck using either a stopwatch (manual timing) or a plunger (semi-automatic timing). If an automatic timing system isn’t available three Timekeepers are required per lane. Where this isn’t possible, as many Timekeepers per lane is always preferred.

    A Chief Timekeeper supervises all other Timekeepers and assigns them to lanes, as required.

    Roles of Timekeeper

    Roles of Chief Timekeeper

  • Technical Manager & Meet Director
  • The Technical Manager oversees the meet and all other Technical Officials; they are responsible for ensuring the meet is run in a fair manner.

    Technical Manager Role

    The Meet Director is appointed to ensure that the swimming rules and Competition Bi-Laws are applied correctly prior to the commencement of meets.

    Meet Director Role

  • Clerk of Course (COC) & Check Starter
  • A Clerk of Course, previously known as a Marshal, checks in swimmers before the event (usually in a marshalling room or similar) and organises swimmers into heats, recording any scratches (or withdrawals) and no shows.

    Check Starter is positioned on pool deck and receives the swimmers and race sheet from the Clerk of Course (Marshal) and is then responsible for checking the swimmers are in the correct event and lane, before lining them up behind the blocks.

    COC & Check Starter Role

  • Starter
  • A Starter is positioned on pool deck and has full control over the swimmers, from the time the referee hands over until the start of the race. A Starter signals swimmers by saying, ‘take your mark’ and then by using a starting system to begin the race, which usually sounds as a loud beep or horn.

    There are three Starter levels:

    Level 1 Starter – Club/Region Competitions;

    Level 2 Starter – State Competitions and below;

    Level 3 Starter – National Competitions and below;

  • Inspector of Turns & Chief Inspector of Turns
  • An Inspector of Turns is positioned at either end on pool deck to ensure that swimmers comply with the relevant rules when starting/finishing the race and turning between laps.

    The Inspector of Turns (IOT) plays a very important role in ensuring that all swimmers compete in a fair and consistent environment. Just as with all other officiating roles in the sport of swimming.

    The Chief Inspector of Turns is responsible for supervising all Inspector of Turns’.

    Introduction to IOT Role

    IOT Role

  • Judge of Stroke
  • A Judge of Stroke walks up and down the side of the pool, following the swimmers, to ensure that the rules for the stroke are being observed. They also assist with Inspector of Turns duties.

    Judge of Stroke Role

  • Chief Recorder
  • The Chief Recorder, previously known as Recorder, is positioned in the control room and is responsible for maintaining accurate results throughout the meet.

    Chief Recorder Role

  • Finish Judge
  • AOE Operator & SAT Operator
  • The Automatic Officiating Equipment (AOE) or Semi-Automatic Timing (SAT) Operators are positioned in the control room, monitoring the Automatic Officiating Equipment (AOE) or Semi-Automatic Timing Equipment (SAT) and playing an important role in ensuring the times and places are accurately captured for each swimmer.

    AOE Operator & SAT Operator

  • Referee
  • A Referee is positioned on pool deck and is responsible for all swimmers and officials, ensuring all swimming and competition rules are followed and makes important decisions regarding race conditions. A Referee will use their whistle to signal to swimmers, officials and spectators, before handing over to the starter.

    There are three Referee levels:

    Level 1 Referee – Club/Region Competitions;

    Level 2 Referee – State Competitions and below;

    Level 3 Referee – National Competitions and below;

    Some Referees may also choose to complete their ‘Referee – Multi Class’ accreditation.

    Referee Role

    Referee Briefing Guidelines

  • Announcer
  • The announcer should be instrumental in making the swimming meet, whether Championships,Club Carnival or Time Trial, a smooth running event.

    Swimming Announcer Guidelines

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